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Frequently Asked Consumer Questions


What is the difference between the K-37 Septic Tank Treatment and the K-57 Septic System Cleaner?
The K-37 Septic Tank Treatment is used to treat the septic tank and is part of our Quarterly Maintenance Program. The K-57 Septic System Cleaner is our emergency care product that is to treat the system if it is running sluggish and may be showing signs of a backup.
How many times per year should I apply K-37 Septic Tank Treatment to the system?
If you are following the System Maintenance Program the K-37 Septic Tank Treatment is applied once per year along with the other products in the program. If you are applying only the K-37 Septic Tank Treatment for maintenance in the system, apply the product every 6 months if you are applying the liquid formulation. If you are applying the granular formulation the K-37 should be applied every 3 months.
How large of a tank does one bottle of K-37 Septic Tank Treatment treat?

K-37 Septic Tank Treatment is available is different size bottles.

Bottle SizeGallons Treated
Quart500 Gallons
Half Gallon1000 Gallons
Quart Concentrate1500 Gallons
Granular One Pound Bag1500 Gallons
Can K-37 Septic Tank Treatment be applied directly to the tank or does it have to be applied through the toilet?
The easiest application method is applying the product directly through the toilet. However, if the system has just been pumped and you have easy access to the tank you can pour the product directly in the tank.
Can I pour the K-37 Septic Tank Treatment and K-77 Root Killer in the tank together?
No, you do not want to add a Root Killer and the K-37 Septic Tank Treatment into the system at the same time. They should be applied one to two weeks apart. Start with the K-77 and then in 1-2 weeks you can apply the K-37.


Can I use K-57 Septic System Cleaner instead of K-37 Septic Tank Treatment?
K-57 is the emergency care product to treat the entire system when you are experiencing a backup or a sluggish running system. We suggest using the K-57 to help get the system running properly then starting the Quarterly Maintenance Program which entails four Roebic products through out the year, K-37 Septic Tank Treatment, K-570 Leach and Drain Field Treatment, K-87 Soap Grease Paper Digester, and K-97 Main Line Cleaner.
How long after I treat with the K-57 Septic System Cleaner should I wait to apply the K-37 Septic Tank Treatment?
Depending on the condition of the system sometimes you may need to treat with the K-57 a couple of times. You should wait a period of about three to four weeks between treatments. If the system is running well after one treatment of the K-57 you can apply the K-37 the following month and is suggested to start the System Maintenance Program.
Can I apply the K-57 Septic System Cleaner to the Distribution Box?
If you have access to the Distribution Box you can apply the product there. However, the K-57 is formulated to treat the entire system from the house to the drain field. Applying the product in the toilet will allow you to get the full affect from the product and allow it to treat the entire system.

Can I use K-57 Septic System Cleaner to treat my drain field if I cannot locate the K-570 Leach and Drain Field Treatment?
You can use the K-57 if you can not locate the K-570. However, the K-57 is our emergency care product and the K-570 is specifically formulated to treat the Leach/Drain Field.
How much of K-57 Septic System Cleaner do I have to use for my system?
K-57 Septic System Cleaner is available in different sizes. The quart size will treat a 500 gallon system. The half gallon will treat a 1000 gallon system.


What is the difference between K-570 Leach and Drain Field Treatment and the K-57 Septic System Cleaner?
K-57 is the emergency care product to treat the entire system when you are experiencing a backup or a sluggish running system. We suggest using the K-57 to help get the system running properly then starting the Quarterly Maintenance Program which entails four Roebic products through out the year, K-37 Septic Tank Treatment, K-570 Leach and Drain Field Treatment, K-87 Soap Grease Paper Digester, and K-97 Main Line Cleaner.
Does my Drain Field need to be treated?
K-570 Leach and Drain Field Treatment is part of our Quarterly System Maintenance Program. It is specially formulated to treat and open up the Leach/Drain Field by opening up the field and allowing the system to optimize septic function. The K-57 Septic System Cleaner is formulated to treat the entire septic system when it is running sluggish and a possibility of a backup is occurring.
When should I apply K-570 Leach and Drain Field Treatment?

The K-570 Leach and Drain Field Treatment should be applied once per year for proper maintenance of the Drain Field. K-570 is Step 2 in our System Maintenance Program.



I have roots in my sewer line. Should I apply K-77 Root Killer or Roebic Foaming Root Killer?
If you are on a city sewer line that is 50 feet or less apply the Foaming Root Killer. If the line is longer than 50 feet, the product that should be applied is K-77 Root Killer. K-77 will treat up to 120 feet of four-inch diameter sewer line.
How many times per year should I treat with K-77 Root Killer?
K-77 should be applied twice per calendar year. We recommend treating the pipe in the spring and in the late fall.
Can I apply K-77 Root Killer directly to the roots?
No, K-77 is a registered product and has specific application instructions that need to be followed. K-77 should be applied directly through the toilet as specified on the label.
Can I apply the K-77 Root Killer directly to the Septic Tank?
You can apply the K-77 Root Killer through the distribution box. Pour three gallons of water after pouring the product in to carry the crystals through the pipes.
Will K-77 Root Killer harm the bacteria that are already in my septic tank?
The bottle of K-77 is a 2 pound bottle that should not be destructive to the bacterial growth in the tank. However, we do recommend treating the system with a bottle of K-37 Septic Tank Treatment about two weeks after using a root killer in case any weaker bacteria were destroyed.
I have root intrusion in my septic system including the drain field. Which product should I apply?

If you are on a septic system, K-77 Root Killer should be applied to treat the system including the lateral lines in the drain field. One bottle will treat the entire system.


Why is there a piece of tissue inside my bottle of Roebic Foaming Root Killer?
Every bottle of Foaming Root Killer has a piece of toilet tissue inside the bottle to keep the raw ingredients separated until application. There is no need to remove the tissue before application.
I am on a Septic System, is FRK the right product to use?
Foaming Root Killer will only treat from the house to the tank, not beyond that point. K-77 Root Killer would be the product to use to treat any roots beyond the septic tank.
How many feet will one bottle of Foaming Root Killer treat?
Foaming Root Killer is sold in a One Pound bottle and treats up to 50 feet of line.
How long does the product have to stay in the line?
It is best to use the Foaming Root Killer at night before going to bed. Let the product stay in the line for about six hours. The next morning you can return to normal water usage.
Will Foaming Root Killer harm my trees?
No, Foaming Root Killer is a contact root killer and will only kill the roots it comes in direct contact with.
How often should I apply Foaming Root Killer?
Foaming Root Killer should be applied twice per calendar year. We recommend using it in the spring and late fall. Depending on how significant the root problem is sometimes it has to be mechanically rooted and then Foaming Root Killer can be used as a regular maintenance product.


What is the best way to apply K-87 Soap Destroyer?
If you are on a septic system and applying the product for tank maintenance, apply directly through the toilet by pouring the bottle in and flushing twice.
If you are on a city sewer line the best application is pouring 8 ounces per night for four nights in a row through the toilet.
Can I use K-87 to treat my washing machine back up?
 K-87 Soap Destroyer can be applied to clean the washing machine line by pouring 8 ounces per night for four nights in a row directly through the standpipe that the washing machine hose is attached to. This product is not to be applied directly through the washing machine itself.
Can I use K-87 if I am on city sewer?
Foaming Root Killer should be applied twice per calendar year. We recommend using it in the spring and late fall. Depending on how significant the root problem is sometimes it has to be mechanically rooted and then Foaming Root Killer can be used as a regular maintenance product.


Can K-97 Main Line Cleaner be applied into a sink?
The K-97 Main Line Cleaner can be applied in any sink, tub, toilet or drain to assist in liquifying organic buildup (grime and heavy sludge) that has narrowed the interior diameter walls of the plumbing. 
Can I use K-97 Main Line Cleaner if I am on city sewer?
K-97 is not corrosive and can be used in either a septic system or a city sewer line.


I have a floor drain in the basement that is backing up, what product should I treat the line with?
K-97 Main Line Cleaner should be used. This product will degrade the proteins, starches, fats and greases that create a build up on the pipe walls.
What is the System Maintenance Program?

The Quarterly System Maintenance Program was developed with the formulation of four products to be used through out the year. Each product used in the system has a specific targeted area of the septic system. Every three months one product from the program is applied starting with step 1.

STEP 1) K-37 Septic Tank Treatment, this digests the proteins and keeps the contents of the tank liquid.

STEP 2) K-570 Leach and Drain Field Treatment, keeps the drain field running properly to optimize the system function.

STEP3) K-87 S.G.P. (Soap Grease and Paper Digester) will eliminate soap, grease and paper in the system to ensure proper flow.

*only punctuation/commas changed


STEP 4) K-97 Main Line Cleaner, digests the accumulated sludge build up in the line to maintain proper drainage.

My system is not draining properly, what product should I apply?

Apply the K-57 Septic System Cleaner Emergency Care Product every 10 to 14 days until proper drainage has returned. Depending on how severe the heavy sludge buildup is in the drain field lines you may need 2-3 treatments.

I have a floor drain in the basement that is backing up, what product should I treat the line with?