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Creating Compost with Bacterial Composting Products

Compost is a rich, fertile soil that results from the microbial breakdown of plant materials such as grass clippings, leaves and other lawn, yard, and garden wastes. Composting benefits people in two ways: First, it creates a very fertile soil that is excellent for gardening, and second, it cuts down on the amount of yard waste headed towards America’s shrinking landfills. Currently, yard waste constitute over 20% of the solid refuse in our landfills.

Roebic Bacterial Composter Composting is not a difficult task, in fact, Roebic Bacteria Composter has been formulated to make the job not only easier, but faster as well. Roebic Bacterial Composter is a blend of specialized bacteria that are capable of growing over a wide range of temperatures which helps them to accelerate the breakdown of plant materials found in compost piles such as green or dry grass clippings, weeds, leaves, shrub trimmings, vegetable scraps and peelings. This product also contains a nitrogen rich nutrient to promote rapid bacterial growth, a buffer to maintain proper pH and is rich in calcium and magnesium for optimal enzymatic activity.

Roebic Bacterial Composter is so effective, it will cut the natural recycling times of plant materials in half, yielding nutrient rich compost. Directions for use may be found on the bottle label. Composting Tips :

  • Minimize moisture loss and temperature extremes by setting up compost piles away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep the compost pile damp but not too wet.
  • Turn the compost weekly to aerate and maintain a good mixture. A pile consisting of mostly grass clippings should be turned more frequently.
  • Do not compost meat scraps, bones, or other non-vegetable materials.
  • Shred leaves and break up sticks and twigs whenever possible.
  • Use Roebic Bacterial Composter.