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Targeted Bacterial Solutions

Main Lines, Sewer Lines, Drains & Traps

Organic buildup in sewer lines, main lines, drains and traps can lead to slow drainage, or if left untreated will cause clogs and messy backups. Our powerful yet noncorrosive bacterial based drain cleaning products are specifically designed to target sludge and other organic debris deposited in these areas, and to keep all drains, traps, sewer and main lines running freely.


Garbage Disposal Cleaner
K-67 Drain and Buildup Remover
K-67 Granular Drain and Trap Cleaner
K-87 Soap Destroyer
K-97 Main Line Cleaner

Septic Tanks, Cesspools, & Aerated Treatment Units

In a properly functioning system, these structures are where solids and other septic wastes are broken down and treated. However, this process can be easily thrown out of balance by the use of toxic household chemicals, cleaners, pharmaceutical remnants or even by excessive water use. Roebic’s tank treatment products contain our patented bacterial cultures which promote the rapid breakdown of solids, help keep tanks open and flowing, and aid in overall system efficiency.

K-37 Granular Septic Tank Treatment
K-37 Septic Tank Treatment
K-47 Cesspool Treatment
K-57 Septic System Cleaner

Drainfields, Leachfields, Lateral lines, Infiltrators, & Seepage Pits

Sluggish or clogged drainfields are the primary reason for septic system failure. Failure can be indicated by messy backups or by “black water” accumulating in the yard over the drainfield areas. Failed systems are unsightly, odorous, and can be dangerous health hazards. Proper maintenance of these system components is crucial and easy with Roebic’s powerful maintenance products. For emergency situations, Roebic’s K-57 will quickly clear the clog and restore the flow.

K-57 Septic System Cleaner
K-570 Leach and Drain Field Treatment

Specialty Treatments